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/ QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 6.iso / mac / files / p_tapr / k9ng109.zip
File Comment
Fidonet 1:323/107
Telephone (401)944-8498 (14400 bps V.32bis/16800 bps HST)
Sysop: Mike Bilow
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This BBS is devoted to support of Amateur Radio Packet
Networking, particularly Amprnet TCP/IP, and also of OS/2
and general programming. File distributon nets carried
include: Fernwood OS/2, IBM CSD, Novell NetWire, Ham HDN,
and Programmers PDN.
Files are downloadable or file requestable at all times
except during Zone Mail Hour: 0900-0959 UTC, 0400-0459 EST,
or 0500-0559 EDT.
Total storage: 3.2 GB DASD, 5.0 GB CD-ROM
Text (1)
Name | Format | # Lines | Size | Date
| Text File
| 25
| 2KB
| 1994-05-18
Other Files (1)
Unknown |
Name | Format | Size | Date |
| Unknown
| 8KB
| 1985-08-26